Thursday, March 11, 2010

How to save the second rent

Every year, the utility bill flies in the house - for many tenants often an unpleasant surprise.
Average of 2.33 euros per square meter had 2007 for the operating costs berappt.
They are for a 60-square-foot apartment 139.80 per month and 1677.60 euros per year. It gets even more expensive.
The tenants' association expects an increase of about 20 percent, as prices for gas, heat, garbage disposal have risen strongly. The "second rent" accounts for about one third or more of the total housing costs.
But not only the cost increases can be blamed for the authorities later, also errors in the accounts. Only every second is correct, says the tenants.
The most important questions about billing
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The tenant must have received at least one years after the settlement period, the utility bill. What to do if the landlord failed the deadline?
    Does a late settlement, the landlord can make no more additional claims. A credit will expire. If the landlord refuses, despite being requested to make a statement that the tenant can stop the ongoing advances. Emergency needs to complain.
How is the billing period?
    The owner must settle all twelve months. This can be a calendar year or twelve months solid sections such as the 1.10.2008 to 30.9.2009.
Within what time frame do I have any claim error in the bill?
    They're about four weeks time to review the bill or you leave. Then you have to pay an eventual authorities later the landlord. Within twelve months after receipt of billing complaints, you must have claimed. After a complaint is no longer possible.
If I have paid the arrears, and only then find that the statement was incorrect, what can I do?
    Within a year, this failure may be claimed, an overpayment will be recovered. It is better, but still, if you transfer only after consultation with the tenants' association for back payments.
How much are the payments should be?
    They must not be overstated. The landlord will therefore have no free credit. Imitate the average. The tenants' association has calculated that tenants pay an average of 2.14 euros in Germany, operating costs per square meter per month.
Sometimes flit a favorable total rent from landlords with low down payments. At the annual payroll will be a large payment of arrears due.
I live in the ground floor, still have to pay a pro rata cost of a lift.
    The Federal Court has ruled that the tenant must mitbezahlen the ground floor. This also applies if he can not use the elevator (BGH, WuM 2006, 213). The tenant must pay any additional costs, if he lives in a wing of the building, the elevator can not be achieved (BGH WuM, 2009, 351).
As operating costs are distributed to the tenants?
    Heating costs are on consumption, according Heizkostenverordnung calculated. For other types of ownership, the distribution depends upon the agreements in the lease. Typically, the cost to living space, ie square footage, or broken down by number of persons. Are water meters installed in the apartment, must be charged according to consumption.
As the heating costs will be charged?
    The tenant is entitled to a settlement based on consumption. He can sue the landlord and force him to install the recording devices. Until then, he can deduct 15 percent of the invoice. The consumption depends on the personal warmth, but also structurally related heat losses.
This takes into account the cost of heating regulation: Minimum 50, maximum 70 percent of your heating costs may be made after the scheduled consumption into account. The remaining 30 percent to 50 percent will be distributed according to a fixed scale, usually by square meter, on the tenants.
Do I have to accept that the staircase is heated?
    Yes. Heaters are installed, they may also be employed.
Utility bill - The 12 most common mistakes
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1. Administrative
    Property management, bank fees, postage costs are not.
2. Repair
    Repairs in house or apartment are the responsibility of the landlord.
3. Warehouses
    Shops and offices in the building cost is higher. The industrial share must be deducted from the total area and calculated separately.
4. Maintenance costs
    That operating costs () for example for an elevator. Repair does not have to pay the tenant.
5. Insurance
    Legal expenses, Mietverlust and contents insurance are not the owner's operating costs.
6. Vacancy
    Here, too, costs of property tax, chimney sweeps covered and so on. For the landlord to come, he can not pass on the proportional costs to the tenants.
7. Insects
    Recurring costs of cleaning up an apartment may not be calculated.
8. Messdifferenz for water
    The main water meter in the house usually indicates more than the total dwelling count. Up to a deviation of 20 percent is generally used in the measurement of the main water meter.
9. Principles of sound
    The landlord is obliged to deal with the cost of operating advances. He can not instruct companies that require exorbitant sums.
10. Other operating costs
    Here are just a cost must be calculated, which constantly emerge and are explicitly included in the lease.
11. Wrong square footage
    Compare the statement in the settlement and the actual size of the building or the size specified in the lease.
12. Bruttomietvertrag
    Who has a so-called gross or inclusive agreed rent must not fear any additional payment.