Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dead baby found in closet

Hair - scary discovery in an apartment in Haar near Munich: In the home of a 38-year-olds, the police discovered a dead baby.
The corpse was already greatly decayed and, after a telephonic notice in a locked room found in a closet, the police told amDonnerstag.
Simply cruel: The retail clerk admitted that she had let the child after birth, just so long alone there until they could assume that it was no longer alive. They Danachpackte it in a bag and put it on the balcony of their apartment.
The baby's body had apparently been a few weeks ago when entdecktworden cleanup, then hid the woman but back in the closet. And the person who found the body, they apparently told the police had taken over the case now, all seialso in order.
The woman was arrested on Wednesday after their Geständnisvorläufig and should be Haftrichtervorgeführt on Thursday one.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Mutiny on the market

Bonn - For four months, seething at the Bonn market. But now's bangs: The feeders are the theater with the new operators' market guild "suffering.
"They are restrictive contracts, which we should sign," complains the community of Marktbeschicker. "We have tried for months to negotiate. But the "market guild" moves to zero. "
Continuous Zoff for the contracts: It had said the chairman of the board of DMG Market Guild, Berthold steel, in April compared to EXPRESS that they wanted to meet the merchants. No one should worry about his stand.
But the fear of losing his life from now on just to go. No wonder. Is in the contract but in it, for example, that a summary dismissal is already possible if you "are denied membership and support of the advertising community of dealers". Is called compulsory membership ...
Ill knock your feeders and "intimidation to": "Since then it say whether it was the right contractor, if one points out that on certain days you - for example, freezing rain or storm - will be on the market," said André Beehr, head of the market association.
Since it no longer feels like a freelance business, but as a serf, completed a fruit dealer.
Also, the new market master gets off his fat. "The roars to seller, if something does not fit," says one feeder. EXPRESS readers confirm such incidents. Retrieved from "Kasernenhofton" is mentioned.
Particularly bad either thrown open, the market master of a little boy had insulted abusive, because had bothered him during an evening turns.
From the city that was previously responsible for the market to feel the feeders abandoned. "We stand here, but not from hobby - we must earn our money. 20, 30 years everything went well, the city has earned good money to us - but now we only have trouble. "
EXPRESS learned: The market of people are so angry about the city and "market" guild that they want to complain, either to start a citizens' petition, or even enter into the strike.
The mutiny on Bonn's market. "We will not be riven," says Beehr.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus

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The magician Dr. Parnassus has a special attraction with which he travels around the country: a magic mirror through which one can enter a fantastic, fairy-tale universe. But then the devil himself appears and reminds him that he had once promised his daughter Valentina, when it is 16 years old. One last bet will be closed: it should include the person who wins in three days, first five souls.
?? movie.label.director??
Terry Gilliam
?? movie.label.actors??
Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp, Jude Law
?? movie.label.genre??
France / Canada
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
122?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??
        The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus (Trailer)
In order to rescue from the devil's daughter Valentina permits are magicians Parnassus with this hellish on a bet: Whoever wins first five souls Valentina gets ... fantasy spectacle of Terry Gilliam. F / CDN / GB '09, FSK: ab 12 Start: 07.01.10
The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus (Part 3)
The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus (Part 2)
The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus (Part 1)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Roll band on the Rhine

Cologne - On a treadmill walking across the Rhine. In a few minutes then come in Cologne, travelers and trade fair guests dry from the central station to the other side to Deutz. This old vision could soon become a reality.
We now want to start a competition of ideas, "said Mayor Fritz Schramma on Tuesday. "We" are next to the city nor the Chief Executive, Dr. Herbert Ferger for the Chamber of Commerce and Dr. Norbert Reinkober as head of the Rhine-Sieg Transport. Her appeal: "We need to create in the interest of a better combination of the two stations on either side of the Rhine."
The working title of the project is "People Move" - in German passengers. In addition to the treadmill in the glass tube, other approaches could - cabins, monorail, cable cars or shuttle systems - to be submitted. Only the "SkyTrain", the monorail at Duesseldorf airport, does not consider Reinkober much: "The never moves."
The reason for the project is the transport policy of the web. And is this: The mainline station will bid farewell to the growing and shifting to the station with Deutz Deutz-Messe low. The actual station, which is through the bottleneck bridge for trains to delay the case so threatening for travelers to be siding.
In return: Long-distance travelers are increasingly in Deutz low. "If they want from there into the city, this is quite difficult," said Schramma: "A city - a railway station!" The new connection will allow the Rhine.
This idea is not new, however: 15 years ago, the FDP demanded the treadmill over the Rhine. The firm Thyssen had durchgerechnete the project and then estimated around 10 million €.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Prosecutor determined in spy scandal

Berlin - The powerful spy scandal at Deutsche Bahn: 173,000 people were monitored? Home addresses, phone numbers and bank details were cross-checked with data from 80,000 firms that were acting on behalf of the railway.
 Now the prosecutor to investigate the misuse of data. With this step, rail chief Hartmut Mehdorn responded to the massive criticism of the staff review.
"We will not be to criminalize. We have nothing to reproach ourselves," said Mehdorn Friday.
The Anti-Korruptionsbeauftragte train, Wolfgang Schaupensteiner, will examine the spy-action of the train "in all legal aspects". Only then an investigation could be initiated.
Mehdorn said the reconciliation process is going in many international corporate standard and recommended by auditors.
All about the spy scandal of the Deutsche Bahn: German Railway employees had bepitzeln>