Monday, April 5, 2010

Prosecutor determined in spy scandal

Berlin - The powerful spy scandal at Deutsche Bahn: 173,000 people were monitored? Home addresses, phone numbers and bank details were cross-checked with data from 80,000 firms that were acting on behalf of the railway.
 Now the prosecutor to investigate the misuse of data. With this step, rail chief Hartmut Mehdorn responded to the massive criticism of the staff review.
"We will not be to criminalize. We have nothing to reproach ourselves," said Mehdorn Friday.
The Anti-Korruptionsbeauftragte train, Wolfgang Schaupensteiner, will examine the spy-action of the train "in all legal aspects". Only then an investigation could be initiated.
Mehdorn said the reconciliation process is going in many international corporate standard and recommended by auditors.
All about the spy scandal of the Deutsche Bahn: German Railway employees had bepitzeln>