Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Three times life imprisonment for the murder of Lotis

Cologne -
A unique case: no body and no evidence has been convicted, the three killers of Lotis K. on Friday to life in prison. And only one sentence was the decisive factor.
The presiding judge Heinz inhibitor spoke of "murder with no body found." He was convinced that the defendants Siegfried (46), whose twin sister, Irmgard (46) and her husband Wilfred K. (48) Filipina Lotis (33) jointly murdered.
Off, Low motivation, "said the judge. Because the accused of their son Siegfried and Lotis, Marc (7) would want to have for themselves. "The deed is done out of selfishness," said inhibitor. Lotis would have indicated that to return to their home with Marc, her death sentence had been.
According to the verdict K. Siegfried has killed his wife, Irmgard, and Wilfried while paying attention to the son. "The two were fully involved, something else would be naive to assume," said the judge.
Video on the subject
But a body was never found. No traces of blood, incriminating fingerprints or other objective evidence. The suspects were bugged for a time - and even here no concrete details were to act to light.
But made a single statement that the son Marc (lives now in foster care) at the investigators, the trio was fatal. "You must sleep now 50 days with me," said Siegfried to the presence of his relatives to the boy. The judge is a clear sign that a murder was planned.
"The judge has turned everything," said a resolution Irmgard K. after the verdict. Only Siegfried seemed calm. For the lawyers in the case is still far from complete. "We will apply for revision, because this verdict is wrong," said Siegfried K's defender Christian Lange.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

1st FC Cologne at the level of Appeal

Cologne - The door opens - and Fabrice Ehret (29 surprise) himself. He makes big eyes while he is on the treadmill gas.
"The air is different here," marvels of the FC-left-footed. And breathes only once very deep durch.32 points, nine points clear of the relegation place. A great balance of the riser eight games remaining.
FC coach Christoph Daum (55 white) but that the air in view of the rest of slamming program still can be veeery thin. And so he sends his stars now in the air chamber! Before the Dortmund game Ehret tested as first-professional FC, the new technology.
EXPRESS accompanied him and assistant coach Roland Koch height balance center, a stone's throw away from the goat home. "We want to continue to extract a few extra percentage points," said Koch. "It is unusual, but that makes all the more fun," Ehret laughs, "I will be fitter by the end of season, so I do not breath in the final out."
The highlight of the Chamber: The mountain climate is copied, it feels like being in 2500 meters. For an oxygen-mixture in the space is let, without changing the air pressure. "The benefits include improved analysis of oxygen in the muscles. And the regeneration is easier, "said Koch and Ehret looks over his shoulder. From next week comes the rest of the troops. Thus the air for the FC in the final sprint is not really even thinner, sweet as Daum and Co. is ...
Read also: Yalcin will pull the threads> Who will play against Dortmund? Control your team HERE! >

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Also in the Rhine railway threatens strike

Düsseldorf -
Threatens next week Thursday the total chaos in the city?
The trade union Verdi and then, probably will call warning strikes. Most affected is the Rhine railway.
Saturday and Sunday will decide whether the Dusseldorf next week Thursday, still can travel by bus and train. At the moment the tariff negotiations between Verdi and employers in the public service.
The demand of the union: Five percent more money and changes in the grading of employees. The offer of the employer: So far, nothing. "It does not look as though the employer to come to us," the assessment of trade union secretary Dirk Beyer. "Then would be in the next 14 days, a warning strike, of course, a subject!"
After EXPRESS information, it will happen on Thursday of next week. Especially in the Rhine railway, the work will be down temporary. "We do everything to the strike in our customers' balance. But I fear this will not quite succeed, "says Rheinbahn spokesman Georg Schumacher.
But in other areas could be on strike. For example, in the Utilities, Awista, the City or in hospitals.