Thursday, June 3, 2010

Also in the Rhine railway threatens strike

Düsseldorf -
Threatens next week Thursday the total chaos in the city?
The trade union Verdi and then, probably will call warning strikes. Most affected is the Rhine railway.
Saturday and Sunday will decide whether the Dusseldorf next week Thursday, still can travel by bus and train. At the moment the tariff negotiations between Verdi and employers in the public service.
The demand of the union: Five percent more money and changes in the grading of employees. The offer of the employer: So far, nothing. "It does not look as though the employer to come to us," the assessment of trade union secretary Dirk Beyer. "Then would be in the next 14 days, a warning strike, of course, a subject!"
After EXPRESS information, it will happen on Thursday of next week. Especially in the Rhine railway, the work will be down temporary. "We do everything to the strike in our customers' balance. But I fear this will not quite succeed, "says Rheinbahn spokesman Georg Schumacher.
But in other areas could be on strike. For example, in the Utilities, Awista, the City or in hospitals.