Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Three times life imprisonment for the murder of Lotis

Cologne -
A unique case: no body and no evidence has been convicted, the three killers of Lotis K. on Friday to life in prison. And only one sentence was the decisive factor.
The presiding judge Heinz inhibitor spoke of "murder with no body found." He was convinced that the defendants Siegfried (46), whose twin sister, Irmgard (46) and her husband Wilfred K. (48) Filipina Lotis (33) jointly murdered.
Off, Low motivation, "said the judge. Because the accused of their son Siegfried and Lotis, Marc (7) would want to have for themselves. "The deed is done out of selfishness," said inhibitor. Lotis would have indicated that to return to their home with Marc, her death sentence had been.
According to the verdict K. Siegfried has killed his wife, Irmgard, and Wilfried while paying attention to the son. "The two were fully involved, something else would be naive to assume," said the judge.
Video on the subject
But a body was never found. No traces of blood, incriminating fingerprints or other objective evidence. The suspects were bugged for a time - and even here no concrete details were to act to light.
But made a single statement that the son Marc (lives now in foster care) at the investigators, the trio was fatal. "You must sleep now 50 days with me," said Siegfried to the presence of his relatives to the boy. The judge is a clear sign that a murder was planned.
"The judge has turned everything," said a resolution Irmgard K. after the verdict. Only Siegfried seemed calm. For the lawyers in the case is still far from complete. "We will apply for revision, because this verdict is wrong," said Siegfried K's defender Christian Lange.