Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Three times life imprisonment for the murder of Lotis

Cologne -
A unique case: no body and no evidence has been convicted, the three killers of Lotis K. on Friday to life in prison. And only one sentence was the decisive factor.
The presiding judge Heinz inhibitor spoke of "murder with no body found." He was convinced that the defendants Siegfried (46), whose twin sister, Irmgard (46) and her husband Wilfred K. (48) Filipina Lotis (33) jointly murdered.
Off, Low motivation, "said the judge. Because the accused of their son Siegfried and Lotis, Marc (7) would want to have for themselves. "The deed is done out of selfishness," said inhibitor. Lotis would have indicated that to return to their home with Marc, her death sentence had been.
According to the verdict K. Siegfried has killed his wife, Irmgard, and Wilfried while paying attention to the son. "The two were fully involved, something else would be naive to assume," said the judge.
Video on the subject
But a body was never found. No traces of blood, incriminating fingerprints or other objective evidence. The suspects were bugged for a time - and even here no concrete details were to act to light.
But made a single statement that the son Marc (lives now in foster care) at the investigators, the trio was fatal. "You must sleep now 50 days with me," said Siegfried to the presence of his relatives to the boy. The judge is a clear sign that a murder was planned.
"The judge has turned everything," said a resolution Irmgard K. after the verdict. Only Siegfried seemed calm. For the lawyers in the case is still far from complete. "We will apply for revision, because this verdict is wrong," said Siegfried K's defender Christian Lange.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

1st FC Cologne at the level of Appeal

Cologne - The door opens - and Fabrice Ehret (29 surprise) himself. He makes big eyes while he is on the treadmill gas.
"The air is different here," marvels of the FC-left-footed. And breathes only once very deep durch.32 points, nine points clear of the relegation place. A great balance of the riser eight games remaining.
FC coach Christoph Daum (55 white) but that the air in view of the rest of slamming program still can be veeery thin. And so he sends his stars now in the air chamber! Before the Dortmund game Ehret tested as first-professional FC, the new technology.
EXPRESS accompanied him and assistant coach Roland Koch height balance center, a stone's throw away from the goat home. "We want to continue to extract a few extra percentage points," said Koch. "It is unusual, but that makes all the more fun," Ehret laughs, "I will be fitter by the end of season, so I do not breath in the final out."
The highlight of the Chamber: The mountain climate is copied, it feels like being in 2500 meters. For an oxygen-mixture in the space is let, without changing the air pressure. "The benefits include improved analysis of oxygen in the muscles. And the regeneration is easier, "said Koch and Ehret looks over his shoulder. From next week comes the rest of the troops. Thus the air for the FC in the final sprint is not really even thinner, sweet as Daum and Co. is ...
Read also: Yalcin will pull the threads> Who will play against Dortmund? Control your team HERE! >

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Also in the Rhine railway threatens strike

Düsseldorf -
Threatens next week Thursday the total chaos in the city?
The trade union Verdi and then, probably will call warning strikes. Most affected is the Rhine railway.
Saturday and Sunday will decide whether the Dusseldorf next week Thursday, still can travel by bus and train. At the moment the tariff negotiations between Verdi and employers in the public service.
The demand of the union: Five percent more money and changes in the grading of employees. The offer of the employer: So far, nothing. "It does not look as though the employer to come to us," the assessment of trade union secretary Dirk Beyer. "Then would be in the next 14 days, a warning strike, of course, a subject!"
After EXPRESS information, it will happen on Thursday of next week. Especially in the Rhine railway, the work will be down temporary. "We do everything to the strike in our customers' balance. But I fear this will not quite succeed, "says Rheinbahn spokesman Georg Schumacher.
But in other areas could be on strike. For example, in the Utilities, Awista, the City or in hospitals.

Friday, May 28, 2010

UEFA Cup K.o. Wolfsburg

Wolfsburg - VfL Wolfsburg, is excreted in derRunde the last 32 of the UEFA Cup.
Eight days after the 0-2 defeat in the French capital lost dieMannschaft of coach Felix Magath on Thursday also Rückspielgegen Paris St. Germain with 1:3 (0:1) and missed the jump insAchtelfinale.
In front of 20,000 spectators in the Volkswagen Arenabesiegelten Peguy Luyindula (foul penalty 38./73. Minute) and JeromeRothen (60) European Cup-Ko of Lower Saxony, for dielediglich Makoto Hasebe (63) met.
Learn more about the game + stats - HERE>

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Broken nose - KVB did not help me

Cologne - your nose is splinted and it hurts. But the most painful Chiara (14) that a driver did not help KVB, when three girls broke her nose and stole the mobile phone.
Crime scene: the line 9 Chiara was with her friends Jonathan (17) and Marcella (13) on the way home.
On the train, they chatted about the same to a pupil: "Show me your cell phone, that's cool." Chiara obeyed: "I did not want a fight. They also had two friends there, I was a bit scared. "
In fact, the robber-girl conceded the phone on - and wanted to cut off at the station "Kalk Kapelle". But Chiara is presented of the main perpetrator (black hair, striking red strand) in the path.
The made no bones and struck her in the face. "Immediately blood spurted from my nose. And the three girls ran away, "says Chiara.
What happened next will probably soon be heard in court: For the KVB driver should have angeraunzt the bleeding student, she should go away from the train door, he wanted to continue. Instead of calling a doctor or offer help, he continued his journey.
Therefore, parents reimbursed Chiara criminal complaint against the KVB. Spokesman Joachim Berger: "A current procedure for which we currently can not comment."
Mother, Barbara C. (44): "Both the fellow and a passenger confirm that this has so played. It is sad that my child had no help in this emergency situation. "

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Best thick yoga mat


Inside latest times numerous persons have come to be mindful with the many advantages that the training of yoga offers. This happening has struck people allaround the globe. The teen plus the aged, men, females physical fitness freaks along with experts are turning towards yoga exercise like by no means just before. When these types of important will be the number in the yoga enthusiasts it can be essential that the essential details on all the elements of this form be supplied towards the people. This post will attempt to focus on a single such element of yoga, the yoga exercise pads.

thick yoga mat

The requirement with the yoga mats vary using the training of yoga exercise. You will discover an abundance of options available for all kinds of yoga experts to be able to select a single as per their requirements. The exercise mats are available to accommodate all styles, sizes with the physique as well as the various yoga asanas. The pregnant mums consider up yoga to make certain seem wellbeing for them as properly as the infant. Nonetheless, for such females the selection in the thick yoga mat is incredibly critical. Greatest health care need to be taken prior to picking 1. Trying it out first is advised. The primary condition of mats for these types of women will commonly be a thick cushion. Even so, it's best how the suggestions of the concerned doctor and a skilled yoga exercise practitioner need to be seeked.

For that typical yoga exercise experts the mats that happen to be firm contributing to an in . taller could be ideal. Further, one need to consider under consideration the usage plus the choices even though buying the yoga mat.

The level of popularity of yoga has built it probable to simply obtain a appropriate form of mat that should be suitable for your training. You'll be able to even purchase on-line for such mat’s as you can find lots of sites that facilitate the yoga mats selling and buy about the world wide web.

Yoga is a whole lot diverse compared to some other extending physical exercise that you simply should be carrying out inside well being club. It can be a much more enhancing knowledge that rejuvenates the mind, body and the spirit. A yoga exercise mat is usually a necessity in the event you vision to reap the highest gains by training the yoga exercise asanas.

Ehret did with a broken toe by

Cologne - In the mid-term Fabrice Ehret shuffled face twisted with pain in the cabin. The reason: The fan favorite has probably broken my toe!
Nevertheless, the Frenchman continued to play - and has even set shortly after the change of the Cologne-opening goal.
Vice-Boss Jürgen Glowacz. "Well done. The not everyone does." And Ehret was pleased: "My first shack in RheinEnergieStadion!" I have waited three years, "he said afterwards," that was worth all the pain. "
 Can say that again. The quick left-footed bite on the teeth, ran counter-counter-over and brought the Wolves defense time and again in embarrassment. Despite the complaints.
On Sunday, FC could Dr. Paul Klein give all-clear: "There is nothing broken, Fabrice has contracted a severe bruise toes. I assume that he can play on Saturday against Frankfurt."
Also read: bitter frost! FC beats himself> Poldi in flash Interview>

Monday, May 10, 2010

Fire in the Port of Duisburg

Duisburg --
About the Port of Duisburg hung thick clouds of smoke. In the early morning hours, 50 tons of coal pellets are burning. Because of the fire had the highway 59 between the junction Duisburg and Duisburg-Ruhrort be blocked indefinitely.
Reason: A nearby bridge was probably damaged by the intense heat.
A StatikerIn had to be flown in a police helicopter, otherwise they would not have reached the bridge, told a police spokesman. Due to the lockout, there was a traffic jam for hours. In the morning the highway was reopened. The mile-long tailbacks into the inner city of Duisburg faded away slowly. The bus and rail in Duisburg wurdebehindert.
Initially it was said, granulate, which will use for the construction of running tracks was, up in flames. How did it catch fire, is unclear. According to police and fire departments are not at risk for the population.
Coal pellets are used for the lighting of machines. The pellets were causing heavy smoke and heat.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Comfy Mist Humidifiers


Those humidifiers really boil that drinking water which often leads to a distilled vapor to become got rid of to the room. That steam is like a soothing spray of comfortable drinking water, compared to a vapor, plus this really is centred in the area closest towards the warm mist humidifiers. The warm air is less difficult to breathe in the cool space. These kinds of devices are generally as well used for piping-hot medicinal drugs and even are typically developed having a tiny med pocket.

A great comfy air humidifier should have a humidistat internal, which usually steps the humidity. Group it in between 30 to 45%. That humidistat need to be prepared with an mechanized shut off when the water runs as well high, or in the event the equipment works away of drinking water.
While picking a warm-mist humidifier, an crucial thought will be the capacity in the system. This might be calculated within the quantity of gallons of water the reservoir holds or the variety of block base of inside area the product can function. Modest table top items work a single room, even though bigger console models can humidify the air flow in several areas.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dead baby found in closet

Hair - scary discovery in an apartment in Haar near Munich: In the home of a 38-year-olds, the police discovered a dead baby.
The corpse was already greatly decayed and, after a telephonic notice in a locked room found in a closet, the police told amDonnerstag.
Simply cruel: The retail clerk admitted that she had let the child after birth, just so long alone there until they could assume that it was no longer alive. They Danachpackte it in a bag and put it on the balcony of their apartment.
The baby's body had apparently been a few weeks ago when entdecktworden cleanup, then hid the woman but back in the closet. And the person who found the body, they apparently told the police had taken over the case now, all seialso in order.
The woman was arrested on Wednesday after their Geständnisvorläufig and should be Haftrichtervorgeführt on Thursday one.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Mutiny on the market

Bonn - For four months, seething at the Bonn market. But now's bangs: The feeders are the theater with the new operators' market guild "suffering.
"They are restrictive contracts, which we should sign," complains the community of Marktbeschicker. "We have tried for months to negotiate. But the "market guild" moves to zero. "
Continuous Zoff for the contracts: It had said the chairman of the board of DMG Market Guild, Berthold steel, in April compared to EXPRESS that they wanted to meet the merchants. No one should worry about his stand.
But the fear of losing his life from now on just to go. No wonder. Is in the contract but in it, for example, that a summary dismissal is already possible if you "are denied membership and support of the advertising community of dealers". Is called compulsory membership ...
Ill knock your feeders and "intimidation to": "Since then it say whether it was the right contractor, if one points out that on certain days you - for example, freezing rain or storm - will be on the market," said André Beehr, head of the market association.
Since it no longer feels like a freelance business, but as a serf, completed a fruit dealer.
Also, the new market master gets off his fat. "The roars to seller, if something does not fit," says one feeder. EXPRESS readers confirm such incidents. Retrieved from "Kasernenhofton" is mentioned.
Particularly bad either thrown open, the market master of a little boy had insulted abusive, because had bothered him during an evening turns.
From the city that was previously responsible for the market to feel the feeders abandoned. "We stand here, but not from hobby - we must earn our money. 20, 30 years everything went well, the city has earned good money to us - but now we only have trouble. "
EXPRESS learned: The market of people are so angry about the city and "market" guild that they want to complain, either to start a citizens' petition, or even enter into the strike.
The mutiny on Bonn's market. "We will not be riven," says Beehr.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus

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The magician Dr. Parnassus has a special attraction with which he travels around the country: a magic mirror through which one can enter a fantastic, fairy-tale universe. But then the devil himself appears and reminds him that he had once promised his daughter Valentina, when it is 16 years old. One last bet will be closed: it should include the person who wins in three days, first five souls.
?? movie.label.director??
Terry Gilliam
?? movie.label.actors??
Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp, Jude Law
?? movie.label.genre??
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France / Canada
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
122?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
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        The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus (Trailer)
In order to rescue from the devil's daughter Valentina permits are magicians Parnassus with this hellish on a bet: Whoever wins first five souls Valentina gets ... fantasy spectacle of Terry Gilliam. F / CDN / GB '09, FSK: ab 12 Start: 07.01.10
The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus (Part 3)
The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus (Part 2)
The Cabinet of Dr. Parnassus (Part 1)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Roll band on the Rhine

Cologne - On a treadmill walking across the Rhine. In a few minutes then come in Cologne, travelers and trade fair guests dry from the central station to the other side to Deutz. This old vision could soon become a reality.
We now want to start a competition of ideas, "said Mayor Fritz Schramma on Tuesday. "We" are next to the city nor the Chief Executive, Dr. Herbert Ferger for the Chamber of Commerce and Dr. Norbert Reinkober as head of the Rhine-Sieg Transport. Her appeal: "We need to create in the interest of a better combination of the two stations on either side of the Rhine."
The working title of the project is "People Move" - in German passengers. In addition to the treadmill in the glass tube, other approaches could - cabins, monorail, cable cars or shuttle systems - to be submitted. Only the "SkyTrain", the monorail at Duesseldorf airport, does not consider Reinkober much: "The never moves."
The reason for the project is the transport policy of the web. And is this: The mainline station will bid farewell to the growing and shifting to the station with Deutz Deutz-Messe low. The actual station, which is through the bottleneck bridge for trains to delay the case so threatening for travelers to be siding.
In return: Long-distance travelers are increasingly in Deutz low. "If they want from there into the city, this is quite difficult," said Schramma: "A city - a railway station!" The new connection will allow the Rhine.
This idea is not new, however: 15 years ago, the FDP demanded the treadmill over the Rhine. The firm Thyssen had durchgerechnete the project and then estimated around 10 million €.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Prosecutor determined in spy scandal

Berlin - The powerful spy scandal at Deutsche Bahn: 173,000 people were monitored? Home addresses, phone numbers and bank details were cross-checked with data from 80,000 firms that were acting on behalf of the railway.
 Now the prosecutor to investigate the misuse of data. With this step, rail chief Hartmut Mehdorn responded to the massive criticism of the staff review.
"We will not be to criminalize. We have nothing to reproach ourselves," said Mehdorn Friday.
The Anti-Korruptionsbeauftragte train, Wolfgang Schaupensteiner, will examine the spy-action of the train "in all legal aspects". Only then an investigation could be initiated.
Mehdorn said the reconciliation process is going in many international corporate standard and recommended by auditors.
All about the spy scandal of the Deutsche Bahn: German Railway employees had bepitzeln>

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Daum: Who is not running, is dispensable

Cologne - the company class receipt. On Saturday for FC starts the second half of the truth.
 Sagittarius wants to help Christoph Daum is not left in the hot season finale. And therefore increases the celebrity coach in time for Wolfsburg on Saturday, the Blow Pops! "We must achieve an even higher intensity during training. Who is not running, flying out sometime! "Warns his thumb professionals. It is a warning system ...
For: Daum escapes the future any more! The fitness level of its professionals who are logged off once a day. This is enabled by a new "Team Tool, developed jointly with the FC-navigation devices manufacturers" Garmin ". The goal is a performance diagnostic database. Nova, Petit and Co. take in the units heart rate monitor and chest strap. A new type of software allows video analyst Boris Notzon now drawing up a "revolutionary intensity Protocol)" (thumb.
EXPRESS Notzon said: "After training or a friendly game are read, the clocks of all players in the computer - together with conditioning coach Cem Bagci then I can create slides for Christoph Daum, where he still has in the evening with an overview of all data.
The clocks detect besides the heart rate with the help of GPS and the run course and speed of the players. There are ten speed zones, so to see which routes a player has completed at what pace. "Which means: He who is hidden in the square and laziest, unmasked by its fitness data!
In training camp in Belek, the new technology already was used. Now she is on the program Geißbockheim. The guys even get a week of conditioning coach Cem Bagci given their "Data Sheet" - as a schoolboy in the school. "Especially for the young players this training aid is important," said Daum, "to learn ausreizen their physical bases."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rosberg in 2010, Brawn-Mercedes?

Monza - How could the dream of a Star in the Silver Arrow finally come true. Mercedes is working on a master plan appears: The Group buys majority stake of the world customers BrawnGP team, which in turn requires Nico Rosberg (24) of Williams.
 The Coronation: The white Wunderflunder by mastermind Ross Brawn will be silver - with a Mercedes star on the nose.
Rosberg in Brawn Mercedes instead initially planned in the McLaren, which would be the end of the long (since 1995) and successful marriage (3 World Cup titles) with the British noble team. But the Swabians (McLaren to keep 40 percent), not only finally more power, but the new Formula 1 Dream Team, they have also come a lot cheaper.
How to run the transaction: The auto, motor und sport reported, Mercedes wants to save on the new Arab partners Aabar Investment Group from Abu Dhabi, 75 percent of Brawn's shares.
And 2011, when the exclusive contract with McLaren ends, contribute to Mercedes. So far, you'll pay a high double-digit millions per year, with significantly less Brawn.
At McLaren we are obviously angry at the German plans. Therefore, the company avoided the all-powerful, despite his banishment from Formula 1 by Ron Dennis veto that Sebastian Vettel's Red Bull team next season can drive with Mercedes engines.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yellow card for farting at the Penalty Kick

Manchester - Very lousy point in a game in the English Regionalliga. The match between Villa and Manchester International, a Chorlton Chorlton-kicker reached deep into the disgust-tricks.
 When turning an opponent a penalty did he let go of one! The diversion was successful: The ball landed in the arms of the keeper.
But the referee had a distracting noise heard and ruled that the player had deliberately flatuliert. He showed the windy kicker the yellow card and had to repeat the penalty. This time the ball is kicked in the net.
"The player was given a warning, because he did not behave like a gentleman," said the referee of the newspaper "Manchester Evening News."
After the fart scandal escalated the situation on the field. As the Daily Telegraph reported cashed Villa goalkeeper the red card because he the referee "as the worst referee for many years," described. For a similar offense, another Villa-kicker was sent off. The third red card, there's an assault.
 Although there were only eight at the end of Villa players on the pitch, won the Stink-Team 6-4.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How to save the second rent

Every year, the utility bill flies in the house - for many tenants often an unpleasant surprise.
Average of 2.33 euros per square meter had 2007 for the operating costs berappt.
They are for a 60-square-foot apartment 139.80 per month and 1677.60 euros per year. It gets even more expensive.
The tenants' association expects an increase of about 20 percent, as prices for gas, heat, garbage disposal have risen strongly. The "second rent" accounts for about one third or more of the total housing costs.
But not only the cost increases can be blamed for the authorities later, also errors in the accounts. Only every second is correct, says the tenants.
The most important questions about billing
Next »
The tenant must have received at least one years after the settlement period, the utility bill. What to do if the landlord failed the deadline?
    Does a late settlement, the landlord can make no more additional claims. A credit will expire. If the landlord refuses, despite being requested to make a statement that the tenant can stop the ongoing advances. Emergency needs to complain.
How is the billing period?
    The owner must settle all twelve months. This can be a calendar year or twelve months solid sections such as the 1.10.2008 to 30.9.2009.
Within what time frame do I have any claim error in the bill?
    They're about four weeks time to review the bill or you leave. Then you have to pay an eventual authorities later the landlord. Within twelve months after receipt of billing complaints, you must have claimed. After a complaint is no longer possible.
If I have paid the arrears, and only then find that the statement was incorrect, what can I do?
    Within a year, this failure may be claimed, an overpayment will be recovered. It is better, but still, if you transfer only after consultation with the tenants' association for back payments.
How much are the payments should be?
    They must not be overstated. The landlord will therefore have no free credit. Imitate the average. The tenants' association has calculated that tenants pay an average of 2.14 euros in Germany, operating costs per square meter per month.
Sometimes flit a favorable total rent from landlords with low down payments. At the annual payroll will be a large payment of arrears due.
I live in the ground floor, still have to pay a pro rata cost of a lift.
    The Federal Court has ruled that the tenant must mitbezahlen the ground floor. This also applies if he can not use the elevator (BGH, WuM 2006, 213). The tenant must pay any additional costs, if he lives in a wing of the building, the elevator can not be achieved (BGH WuM, 2009, 351).
As operating costs are distributed to the tenants?
    Heating costs are on consumption, according Heizkostenverordnung calculated. For other types of ownership, the distribution depends upon the agreements in the lease. Typically, the cost to living space, ie square footage, or broken down by number of persons. Are water meters installed in the apartment, must be charged according to consumption.
As the heating costs will be charged?
    The tenant is entitled to a settlement based on consumption. He can sue the landlord and force him to install the recording devices. Until then, he can deduct 15 percent of the invoice. The consumption depends on the personal warmth, but also structurally related heat losses.
This takes into account the cost of heating regulation: Minimum 50, maximum 70 percent of your heating costs may be made after the scheduled consumption into account. The remaining 30 percent to 50 percent will be distributed according to a fixed scale, usually by square meter, on the tenants.
Do I have to accept that the staircase is heated?
    Yes. Heaters are installed, they may also be employed.
Utility bill - The 12 most common mistakes
Next »
1. Administrative
    Property management, bank fees, postage costs are not.
2. Repair
    Repairs in house or apartment are the responsibility of the landlord.
3. Warehouses
    Shops and offices in the building cost is higher. The industrial share must be deducted from the total area and calculated separately.
4. Maintenance costs
    That operating costs () for example for an elevator. Repair does not have to pay the tenant.
5. Insurance
    Legal expenses, Mietverlust and contents insurance are not the owner's operating costs.
6. Vacancy
    Here, too, costs of property tax, chimney sweeps covered and so on. For the landlord to come, he can not pass on the proportional costs to the tenants.
7. Insects
    Recurring costs of cleaning up an apartment may not be calculated.
8. Messdifferenz for water
    The main water meter in the house usually indicates more than the total dwelling count. Up to a deviation of 20 percent is generally used in the measurement of the main water meter.
9. Principles of sound
    The landlord is obliged to deal with the cost of operating advances. He can not instruct companies that require exorbitant sums.
10. Other operating costs
    Here are just a cost must be calculated, which constantly emerge and are explicitly included in the lease.
11. Wrong square footage
    Compare the statement in the settlement and the actual size of the building or the size specified in the lease.
12. Bruttomietvertrag
    Who has a so-called gross or inclusive agreed rent must not fear any additional payment.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bomb drama task after 28 hours

Viernheim - Juergen K. (44) is finished. After 28 hours and it is clear that he will not get away with his bombings. He has fired two hand grenades and explosives dwellings to be shot to kill. Only chance thwarted his plan.
Jürgen K. is considered strange. He runs around in army clothes, experimented with explosives in his parents' allotment. The independent gas and water has a weakness for anything that "makes Bumm. As a security guard at an ammunition depot of the U.S. Army, he got hold of TNT and Handgrantaten galore.
1987 and 1991 he was sentenced because he illegally causing explosions. "After that, he was not controlled," said squad leader Harald Schneider. Juergen K. is divorced, has few friends. But nobody in the neighborhood is worried. By Juergen K. gets into financial trouble.
Apparently people have, which he has installed heaters are not paid. He remains guilty of rent, an eviction action is running, on Wednesday the court will come around. As Jürgen K. of snaps. He goes to two former clients, one is his neighbor. He makes it up. He then barricaded himself in his apartment. Only 28 hours later he comes out. For two hours he needs to disarm booby traps at his door. There is still danger of explosion. Because no one knows how many had hidden explosives, the ticking time bomb Juergen K. still.
Also of interest
Entrenched masked man - the pictures

Thursday, February 25, 2010

"We've lost games naive"

Seven defeats Borussia conceded recently in series:
Four in the Bundesliga, one in the Cup against second division outfit Duisburg, two in the tests against Paderborn and Arnhem.
Coach Michael Frontzeck has been raised in the EXPRESS Crisis Interview:
The interview with Michael Frontzeck
Next »
You have used the international break to a test against Arnhem. How satisfied were you in spite of the 0:1?
I've seen a good game. We have fully implemented, what has distinguished us in the first few weeks: combinations, fast game forward in the head, chances herausspielen rear allow little. I've seen a lot of what I've missed in just the last two Bundesliga games against Freiburg and Dortmund.
Therefore, it was for me a step forward. The trouble is, however, that we have lost 0-1, which corresponds to the run of play at all, because we certainly have a dozen Tormöglichkeiten left unused.
The hoped-for success experience was missed.
That's true. But we have the essentials to keep in mind - and this is our opponent coming Wolfsburg. I would go there now, much worse if we had played badly against Arnhem, but won 1-0. Because I just knew that it would not be so rich against Wolfsburg. The team has noticed that she has made a good game and they can pull enough positive things.
Nevertheless, she remained for the fourth year in a row without a hit, you have an explanation for the current Torarmut?
These things do not often explain, because no one misses the extra two feet at the gate. Of course, we train the Torabschluss, but in the race, it's just something else. We just have to stay tuned and I hope that when things go into one that explodes the knot again.
Someone who will take care of Torgefahr, Juan Arango. Why is it for a while in a power hole?
For Juan, it is a huge load of internationals and related flights. The Hotelfassade him uneasy. Stamina you have for him no suitably tackle because he breaks into the match two games for his national team contests, and thus can be worked up at this stage, nothing.
From the warm South America in the cold climate of Germany is also always a huge transition. But Juan has arrived safely in Gladbach. He has shown, in the first few weeks, what value it may have for us and I am confident that he can again build it soon.
Often he makes lots of activity in the first half and went underground after the break?
I do not see it that way. You can not always tie up to each player. This often has to do with the whole team. The A and O will be generally compact with us - and in football -. If you are four or five yards farther apart stand, you get problems. At the beginning has honored us that we were tight and compact and we played fast forward. Then we have to come back again.
They speak to the good start. Why the team has lost in spite of this great start to the self-confidence so quickly?
It is difficult to explain in a few sentences. The fact is that I have already said at the time that is not all that glitters is gold. Even at the beginning, there were plenty of things for which I have said, we must begin to leverage and improve. Then we lose with Nuremberg, Hoffenheim and Duisburg three games, all of which would otherwise be able to run or even have. Those were good games, we have lost some unhappy, some naive. And then there is such a logic in football, that in such a phase, such as poor performance against Freiburg or Dortmund are not rewarded with points.
How many meters are left in your opinion already on the track?
From the games in Nuremberg and Hoffenheim, we would have had to pull out from my point of view four points. Bochum, where we have counted 3-0 lead and then played a 3-3 draw I did not do so. Since we had after the field reference to Dante to be happy that we have gone with a point from the square. I would be considerably worse off if we had played badly against Arnhem, but won 1-0.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Hits gives me buoyancy"

A country is proud of its heroes. With its sensational shot of the Slovenes Leading FC captain Milivoje Novakovic Poland 3-0 in World Cup qualifiers - and redeemed himself with the first goal in four months itself
With the half time whistle Nova, through its 2-0 for the decision - most recently he was on 3 May against Bremen to class early receipt of FC met. "A cool feeling," said the Slovenian, the gate will give me confidence for the next games. Even though I'm not 100% fit. "
A specialist was the top scorer fit. "For six hours I lay on the bed on Tuesday, Nova describes his pain," but it was worth it. "It was not until minute 80 tweaked the groin again. But the clippers ignored the lurch. His good luck charm on the stands went crazy. Father employees ( "I am so proud to come to him"), sister and cousin Dejan Slavica were and saw the victory and Novas gate.
Consequently, he got himself a reward of kisses from his sister. In his mind he was there long ago but when Schalke against Cracker: "From the World Cup, I dream again next month. Now we need the FC from the basement. I am delighted with my goal. But above all, for Poldi. Wow, that Luke has also taken! The gates will give us a boost for Sunday. "

Thursday, February 11, 2010

7:3! DEG suggests Penguins

Dusseldorf --
The dive of the Penguins go after a memorable Derby relentlessly continue with regular beatings orgies with a total of 171 penalty minutes.
DEG landed after a strong performance with a 7:3-Triumph the third victory in series.
It went off all right. Outnumbered in our own Craig MacDonald grabbed the wheel and arrived early to make it 1-0. The reinvigorated scorer Adam Courchaine placed his beautiful wrist shot precisely into the right corner. And when asked even Brandon Reid after just 41 seconds in the central sector in the power play to make it 3-0, there was grave mood in guest unfurled.
But that changed in just 81 seconds later, thoroughly, and Allan Rourke bathed in outnumbered. Charlie Stephens was able to shorten even 2:3. 12 seconds before the second siren succeed Mark Murphy, the 4-2. The DEG win again faltered, when Roland Verwey heranbrachte the penguins. Just out of Chris Harrington capped his return after eight weeks with the injury break 5:3.
Daniel Kreutzer made final until superiority in the bag - and got together with Daniel Pietta. The MetroStars, the Captain shellacked KEV attacker after stroke and thread.
There were a smooth boxer 1, but (as also for Pietta also) a duration penalty. The Herberts Vasiljevs, conceded even a stick trick to Evan Kaufmann.
138 seconds before the end of the next free fight, after) and Mark Murphy (DEG conceded a cycle duration.
Goals: 1-0 MacDonald (6.), 2-0 Courchaine (9.), 3-0 Reid (21.), 3:1 Rourke (23.), 3:2 Stephens (32.), 4:2 Murphy (40.), 4:3 Verwey (42.), 5:3 Harrington (45.), 6-3 Kreutzer (52.). 7:3 Kaufmann (60.).

Friday, February 5, 2010

Out of desperation: Pensioner shoots wife in the head

Limbach-Oberfrohna - A family drama shakes the Saxon Limbach-Oberfrohna. A 87-year-old man is dead, he took his own life after he had fired his first four years younger wife in the head. The 83-year-old survived the attack, but still hovers in mortal danger.
The couple's son, who lives with seinerFamilie in the same house, had heard the shots and seineschwer injured aufgefunden.Offenbar parents, the couple had planned their common death. The police found a suicide note signed by both. The pistol wurdesichergestellt. Where did the couple had the weapon stand nichtfest yet, said a police spokesman.
Backdrop of tragedy: His wife was seriously ill.